First calculation with DFTB+#

[Input: recipes/basics/firstcalc/]

This chapter should serve as a tutorial guiding you through your first calculation with DFTB+. As an example, the equilibrium geometry of the water molecule will be calculated. As with all simulation tools, the process consists of three steps:

  • telling DFTB+ what to do,

  • running DFTB+,

  • analysing the results.

Providing the input#

DFTB+ accepts the input in the Human-readable Structured Data (HSD) format. The input file must be called dftb_in.hsd. The input file used in this example looks as follows:

Geometry = GenFormat {
3 C
  O H

  1 1  0.00000000000E+00 -0.10000000000E+01  0.00000000000E+00
  2 2  0.00000000000E+00  0.00000000000E+00  0.78306400000E+00
  3 2  0.00000000000E+00  0.00000000000E+00 -0.78306400000E+00

Driver = GeometryOptimization {
  Optimizer = Rational {}
  MovedAtoms = 1:-1
  MaxSteps = 100
  OutputPrefix = "geom.out"
  Convergence {GradElem = 1E-4}

Hamiltonian = DFTB {
  Scc = Yes
  SlaterKosterFiles {
    O-O = "../../slakos/mio-ext/O-O.skf"
    O-H = "../../slakos/mio-ext/O-H.skf"
    H-O = "../../slakos/mio-ext/H-O.skf"
    H-H = "../../slakos/mio-ext/H-H.skf"
  MaxAngularMomentum {
    O = "p"
    H = "s"

Options {}

Analysis {
  CalculateForces = Yes

ParserOptions {
  ParserVersion = 12

The order of the specified blocks in the HSD input is arbitrary. You are free to capitalise the keywords and any physical units as you like, since they are case-insensitive. This is not valid however for string values, especially if they are specifying file names.


The Geometry block contains types and coordinates of the atoms in your system. The geometry of the system in the sample input file is provided in the so called “gen” format, which was the traditional geometry input format of the DFTB method. The formal description of this format can be found in the DFTB+ manual. In the current example, the geometry is

Geometry = GenFormat {
  3  C                   # 3 atoms, non-periodic cluster
   O H                   # Two elements, 1 - O, 2 - H
  #  Index Type  Coordinates
       1    1    0.00000000000E+00  -0.10000000000E+01   0.00000000000E+00
       2    2    0.00000000000E+00   0.00000000000E+00   0.78306400000E+00
       3    2    0.00000000000E+00   0.00000000000E+00  -0.78306400000E+00

which specifies a cluster of 3 atoms of chemical types O and H (cluster geometries having open boundary conditions as distinct from periodic supercell geometries). The Cartesian coordinates of the atoms in the “gen” format are given in Angstroms. The first column of integers contains the sequential numbering of the atoms in the system (the actual values are ignored by the parser). The second column contains the type of each atom, given as the position of the appropriate element in the element list of the second line of the “gen” data. The GenFormat{} is not the only way to specify the geometry, you should check the manual for other methods.

As demonstrated above, it is possible to put arbitrary comments in the HSD input after a hash-mark (#) character. Everything between this character and the end of the current line is ignored by the parser.

Very often, the geometry is stored in an external file. To save you the copying and pasting from that file into the dftb_in.hsd file, you can use the file inclusion feature of the HSD format:

Geometry = GenFormat {
  <<< "geometry.gen"

The <<< operator includes the specified file as raw text data. (The file is not checked for any HSD constructs.) In the example above, the file geometry.gen must be in gen format.


After having specified the geometry of your system, you should decide what DFTB+ will do with that geometry. The Driver environment determines how the geometry should be changed (if at all) during the calculation. If you only would like to make a static calculation, you must either set it to an empty value like

Driver {}   # Empty value for the driver

or omit the Driver block completely from dftb_in.hsd.

In the current example

# Perform rational function based optimisation
Driver = GeometryOptimization {
  Optimizer = Rational {}
  MovedAtoms = 1:-1               # Move all atoms in the system
  MaxSteps = 100                  # Stop after maximal 100 steps
  OutputPrefix = "geom.out"       # Final geometry in geom.out.{xyz,gen}
  Convergence {GradElem = 1E-4}   # Stop if maximal force below 1E-4 H/a0

the molecule is relaxed using a rational function based optimiser. The entire range of atoms from the first (atom 1) until and including the last (-1) is allowed to move. Instead of 1:-1 you could also have written:

MovedAtoms = 1:3               # Atoms from the 1st until the 3rd


MovedAtoms = O H               # Select O and H atoms.


MovedAtoms = 1 2 3              # Explicitely listing all atom numbers.

In our case the geometry optimisation continues as long as the maximum component of the force acting on the moving atoms is bigger than 1e-4 atomic units (Hartree per Bohr radius). Numeric values are by default interpreted to be in atomic units. However the HSD format offers the possibility of using alternative units by specifying a unit modifier before the equals sign. This is given in square brackets. For example instead of the original atomic units, you could have used

GradElem [eV/AA] = 5.14e-3    # Force in Electronvolts/Angstrom


GradElem [Electronvolt/Angstrom] = 5.14e-3

See the manual for the list of accepted modifiers and additional convergence criteria supported by the Convergence block.

The MaxSteps keyword specifies the maximum number of geometry optimisation steps that the program can take before stopping, even if the specified tolerance for the maximal force component have not been achieved by that stage of the calculation.

Finally, the OutputPrefix keyword specifies the name of the file to be written that will contain the present geometry during the optimisation (and then the final geometry at the end of the calculation). The geometry is written in gen and xyz formats to the files obtained by appending “.gen” and “.xyz” suffixes to the specified name (geom.out.gen and in our case.) The dptools package distributed with DFTB+ contains scripts (gen2xyz and xyz2gen) to convert between the gen and the xyz formats (and various other formats).


You have to decide upon the model used to describe your system in order to calculate its properties. At the moment DFTB+ simplifies this decision quite a lot, since it currently only supports types of Density Functional based Tight Binding Hamiltonians (with some extensions). In our example, the chosen self-consistent DFTB Hamiltonian has the following properties:

Hamiltonian = DFTB {                 # DFTB Hamiltonian
  Scc = Yes                          # Use self-consistent charges
  SlaterKosterFiles {                # Specifying Slater-Koster files
    O-O = "../../slakos/mio-ext/O-O.skf"
    O-H = "../../slakos/mio-ext/O-H.skf"
    H-O = "../../slakos/mio-ext/H-O.skf"
    H-H = "../../slakos/mio-ext/H-H.skf"
  MaxAngularMomentum {               # Maximal l-value of the various species
    O = "p"
    H = "s"

In this example the charge self-consistent DFTB (SCC-DFTB) method is used for the electronic structure (and calculating the total energy, forces, etc.). This method includes the effect of charge transfer between atoms of the system. In order to find the final ground state of the system it has to iteratively solve the system, until the atomic charges are self-consistently converged. Convergence is reached if the difference between the charges used to build the Hamiltonian and the charges obtained after the diagonalisation of the Hamiltonian is below a certain tolerance (the default is 1e-5 electrons, but can be tuned with the SccTolerance option). If this level of convergence is not reached within a certain number of iterations, the code calculates the total energy using the charges obtained so far and stops with an appropriate warning message. The maximal number of scc-iterations is by default 100, but can be changed via the MaxSccIterations option.

The tabulated integrals (together with other atomic and diatomic parameters) necessary for building the DFTB Hamiltonian are stored in the so called Slater-Koster files. Those files always describe the interaction between atom pairs. Therefore, you have to specify, for each pairwise combination of chemical elements in your system, the corresponding Slater-Koster file:

SlaterKosterFiles {               # Specifying Slater-Koster files
  O-O = "../../slakos/mio-ext/O-O.skf"
  O-H = "../../slakos/mio-ext/O-H.skf"
  H-O = "../../slakos/mio-ext/H-O.skf"
  H-H = "../../slakos/mio-ext/H-H.skf"

If you use a consistent file naming convention, you can avoid typing all the file names by specifying only the generating pattern. The input:

SlaterKosterFiles = Type2FileNames {  # File names with two atom type names
  Prefix = "../../slakos/mio-ext/"    # Prefix before first type name
  Separator = "-"                     # Dash between type names
  Suffix = ".skf"                     # Suffix after second type name

would generate exactly the same file names as in the example above.

Historically the Slater-Koster file format did not contain any information about which valence orbitals were considered when generating the interaction tables, this can lead to data for physically inappropriate orbitals being included in the files. Therefore, you must provide the value of the highest orbital angular momentum each element, specified as s, p, d or f. This information can be obtained from the documentation of the Slater-Koster files. In the distributed standardised sets (available at this information is contained in the documentation appended to the end of each SK-file.

The default behaviour of the code is to assume that your system is neutral (net electrical charge of 0). If you would like to calculate charged systems, you have to use the Charge option. Similarly, the system is assumed to be spin-unpolarised. You can however use the option SpinPolarisation to change this standard behaviour.


The Analysis block contains options to calculate (or display if otherwise only calculated internally) a number of properties. In this example, while forces are needed to optimise the geometry, these are not usually printed in full, only the maximum value. The CalculateForces option enables printing of the forces.


The Options block contains a few global settings for the code. In the current example, no options are specified. You could even leave out the:

Options {}

line in the input, since the default value for the Options block is an empty block.


This block contains options which are interpreted by the parser itself and are not passed to the main program. The most important of those options is the ParserVersion option, which tells the parser, for which version of the parser the current input file was created for. If this is not the current parser but an older one, the parser internally automatically converts the old input to the new format.

The version number of the parser in the current DFTB+ code is always printed out at the program start. It is a good habit to set this value in your input files explicitly, like in our case:

ParserVersion = 12

This allows you to use your input file with future versions of DFTB+ without adapting it by hand, if the input format has changed in the more recent version.

Running DFTB+#

After creating the main input file, you should make sure that all the other required files (Slater-Koster files, any files included in the HSD input via <<< constructs, etc.) are at the right place. In our example, only the Slater-Koster files need to be present.

In order to run the calculation, you should invoke DFTB+ without any arguments in the directory containing the file dftb_in.hsd. As DFTB+ writes some useful output to the standard output (to the screen), it is recommended to save this output for later investigation:

dftb+ | tee output

Assuming the binary dftb+ is in your search path, you should obtain an output starting with:

|  DFTB+ release 22.2
|  Copyright (C) 2006 - 2022  DFTB+ developers group
|  When publishing results obtained with DFTB+, please cite the following
|  reference:
|  * DFTB+, a software package for efficient approximate density functional
|    theory based atomistic simulations, J. Chem. Phys. 152, 124101 (2020).
|    [doi: 10.1063/1.5143190]
|  You should also cite additional publications crediting the parametrization
|  data you use. Please consult the documentation of the SK-files for the
|  references.

Reading input file 'dftb_in.hsd'
Parser version: 12

Reading SK-files:

Processed input in HSD format written to 'dftb_pin.hsd'

Starting initialization...
OpenMP threads:              16
Chosen random seed:          1354468809
Mode:                        Static calculation
Self consistent charges:     Yes
SCC-tolerance:                 0.100000E-04
Max. scc iterations:                    100
Shell resolved Hubbard:      No
Spin polarisation:           No
Nr. of up electrons:             4.000000
Nr. of down electrons:           4.000000
Periodic boundaries:         No
Electronic solver:           Relatively robust
Mixer:                       Broyden mixer
Mixing parameter:                  0.200000
Maximal SCC-cycles:                     100
Nr. of chrg. vec. in memory:            100
Electronic temperature:              0.100000E-07 H      0.272114E-06 eV
Initial charges:             Set automatically (system chrg:   0.000E+00)
Included shells:             O:  s, p
                             H:  s
Extra options:
                             Mulliken analysis
                             Force calculation
Force type                   original


***  Geometry step: 0

 iSCC Total electronic   Diff electronic      SCC error
    1    0.00000000E+00    0.00000000E+00    0.88081627E+00
    2   -0.39511797E+01   -0.39511797E+01    0.55742893E+00
    3   -0.39705438E+01   -0.19364070E-01    0.32497352E-01
    4   -0.39841371E+01   -0.13593374E-01    0.19288772E-02
    5   -0.39841854E+01   -0.48242063E-04    0.87062163E-05

Total Energy:                       -3.9798793068 H         -108.2980 eV
Extrapolated to 0K:                 -3.9798793068 H         -108.2980 eV
Total Mermin free energy:           -3.9798793068 H         -108.2980 eV
Force related energy:               -3.9798793068 H         -108.2980 eV

>> Charges saved for restart in charges.bin

total energy  -3.9798793E+00 H       energy change -3.9798793E+00 H
gradient norm  2.3565839E-01 H/a0    max. gradient  1.8709029E-01 H/a0
step length    0.0000000E+00 a0      max. step      0.0000000E+00 a0


***  Geometry step: 1

 iSCC Total electronic   Diff electronic      SCC error
    1   -0.39841856E+01    0.00000000E+00    0.84282109E-01

If this is the case, you have managed to run DFTB+ for the first time. Congratulations!

Examining the output#

DFTB+ communicates through two channels with you: by printing information to standard output (which you should redirect into a file to keep for later evaluation) and by writing information into various files. In the following, the most important of these files will be introduced and analysed

Standard output#

The first thing appearing in standard output after the start of DFTB+ is the program header:

|  DFTB+ release 22.2
|  Copyright (C) 2006 - 2022  DFTB+ developers group
|  When publishing results obtained with DFTB+, please cite the following
|  reference:
|  * DFTB+, a software package for efficient approximate density functional
|    theory based atomistic simulations, J. Chem. Phys. 152, 124101 (2020).
|    [doi: 10.1063/1.5143190]
|  You should also cite additional publications crediting the parametrization
|  data you use. Please consult the documentation of the SK-files for the
|  references.

Reading input file 'dftb_in.hsd'
Parser version: 12

This tells you which program you are using (DFTB+), which release (22.2) and the paper(s) associated with the code. Then the version of the parser used in this DFTB+ release is listed.

As already discussed above, it can be a good habit to set this version number explicitly in your input inside the ParserOptions block, so that:

ParserOptions {
  ParserVersion = 12

Next, the parser starts to interpret your input, then reads in the necessary SK-files and writes the full input settings to dftb_pin.hsd:

Reading SK-files:

Processed input in HSD format written to 'dftb_pin.hsd'

You do not have to explicitly set all the possible options for DFTB+ in the input, as for most of them there are default values set by the parser if not set in the input. If you want to know which default values have been set for those missing specifications, you should look at the processed input file dftb_pin.hsd, which contains the value for all the possible input settings (see next the subsection).

At this point the DFTB+ code is initialised and the most important parameters of the calculation are printed out:

Starting initialization...
OpenMP threads:              16
Chosen random seed:          1354468809
Mode:                        Static calculation
Self consistent charges:     Yes
SCC-tolerance:                 0.100000E-04
Max. scc iterations:                    100
Shell resolved Hubbard:      No
Spin polarisation:           No
Nr. of up electrons:             4.000000
Nr. of down electrons:           4.000000
Periodic boundaries:         No
Electronic solver:           Relatively robust
Mixer:                       Broyden mixer
Mixing parameter:                  0.200000
Maximal SCC-cycles:                     100
Nr. of chrg. vec. in memory:            100
Electronic temperature:              0.100000E-07 H      0.272114E-06 eV
Initial charges:             Set automatically (system chrg:   0.000E+00)
Included shells:             O:  s, p
                             H:  s
Extra options:
                             Mulliken analysis
                             Force calculation
Force type                   original

As you can see, all quantities (e.g. electronic temperature) are converted to the internal units of DFTB+, namely atomic units (with Hartree as the base energy unit).

Then the program starts:

***  Geometry step: 0

 iSCC Total electronic   Diff electronic      SCC error
    1    0.00000000E+00    0.00000000E+00    0.88081627E+00
    2   -0.39511797E+01   -0.39511797E+01    0.55742893E+00
    3   -0.39705438E+01   -0.19364070E-01    0.32497352E-01
    4   -0.39841371E+01   -0.13593374E-01    0.19288772E-02
    5   -0.39841854E+01   -0.48242063E-04    0.87062163E-05

Total Energy:                       -3.9798793068 H         -108.2980 eV
Extrapolated to 0K:                 -3.9798793068 H         -108.2980 eV
Total Mermin free energy:           -3.9798793068 H         -108.2980 eV
Force related energy:               -3.9798793068 H         -108.2980 eV

>> Charges saved for restart in charges.bin

total energy  -3.9798793E+00 H       energy change -3.9798793E+00 H
gradient norm  2.3565839E-01 H/a0    max. gradient  1.8709029E-01 H/a0
step length    0.0000000E+00 a0      max. step      0.0000000E+00 a0

Since this is an SCC calculation, DFTB+ has to iterate the charges until the specified convergence criteria is fulfilled. In every cycle, you get information about the values of the electronic energy, its difference to the value in the previous SCC cycle, and the discrepancy (error) between the charges used to build the Hamiltonian and the charges obtained after its solution. This final value is relevant to the tolerance specified in the input (SccTolerance).

If the SCC cycle has converged, the total energy (including SCC and repulsive contributions) is calculated, and similarly the total Mermin free energy (this is the Helmholtz free energy, but where only the electronic entropy is included). Additionally, geometry convergence relevant components are indicated.

Then the driver changes the geometry of the system, and the self-consistent cycle is repeated as before but for the new geometry. This process continues as long as the geometry does not converge:

***  Geometry step: 9

 iSCC Total electronic   Diff electronic      SCC error
    1   -0.41506534E+01    0.00000000E+00    0.33681615E-04
    2   -0.41505940E+01    0.59393461E-04    0.24963044E-04
    3   -0.41505940E+01   -0.60786931E-11    0.66000538E-11

Total Energy:                       -4.0779379326 H         -110.9663 eV
Extrapolated to 0K:                 -4.0779379326 H         -110.9663 eV
Total Mermin free energy:           -4.0779379326 H         -110.9663 eV
Force related energy:               -4.0779379326 H         -110.9663 eV

>> Charges saved for restart in charges.bin

total energy  -4.0779379E+00 H       energy change -2.1070335E-08 H
gradient norm  3.0077217E-05 H/a0    max. gradient  1.9992076E-05 H/a0
step length    1.9263985E-04 a0      max. step      1.1981494E-04 a0

Geometry converged

If the geometry does not converge before the maximum number of geometry steps is reached, the code will stop and you will get an appropriate warning message. Assuming the MaxSteps option had been set to 6 in the input, you would obtain:

***  Geometry step: 6

 iSCC Total electronic   Diff electronic      SCC error
    1   -0.41530295E+01    0.00000000E+00    0.98887987E-03
    2   -0.41529684E+01    0.61129539E-04    0.73298155E-03
    3   -0.41529684E+01   -0.52412306E-08    0.51941278E-08

Total Energy:                       -4.0778494543 H         -110.9639 eV
Extrapolated to 0K:                 -4.0778494543 H         -110.9639 eV
Total Mermin free energy:           -4.0778494543 H         -110.9639 eV
Force related energy:               -4.0778494543 H         -110.9639 eV

>> Charges saved for restart in charges.bin

total energy  -4.0778495E+00 H       energy change -4.9306884E-05 H
gradient norm  6.9348797E-03 H/a0    max. gradient  4.7428785E-03 H/a0
step length    9.5435174E-03 a0      max. step      5.5244015E-03 a0
-> !!! Geometry did NOT converge!


As already mentioned, the processed input file dftb_pin.hsd is an input file generated from your dftb_in.hsd by including the default values for all unspecified options and converting some of the input quantities to atomic units. For example, in our case in the GeometryOptimization block several unspecified options would appear, for which sensible default values have been set:

Driver = GeometryOptimization {
  Optimizer = Rational {
    DiagLimit = 1.000000000000000E-002
  MovedAtoms = 1:-1
  MaxSteps = 100
  OutputPrefix = "geom.out"
  Convergence = {
    GradElem = 1E-4
    Energy = 1.797693134862316E+308
    GradNorm = 1.797693134862316E+308
    DispNorm = 1.797693134862316E+308
    DispElem = 1.797693134862316E+308
  LatticeOpt = No
  AppendGeometries = No

Similarly, in the DFTB{} block the switch for the shell resolved SCC, for example, has been set to the default value of No:

ShellResolvedScc = No

Options which have been explicitly set in the original input file are unchanged. The file dftb_pin.hsd is itself a valid HSD input file, and you can use it as input (after renaming it to dftb_in.hsd) to re-run the calculation. It is always in the format suitable for the current parser, even if the input in dftb_in.hsd was for an older format (indicated by the appropriate ParserVersion option). Therefore, the ParserVersion option in the processed input file dftb_pin.hsd is always set to the parser version corresponding to the version of DFTB+ which generated the file.


This file contains detailed information about the properties of your system. It is updated continuously during the run, by the end of the calculation will contain values calculated during the last SCC cycle. All the numerical values given in this file are in atomic units, unless explicitly specified otherwise.

detailed.out contains (among other data) the number of the last geometry step and a summary of the last SCC cycle:

Geometry optimization step: 9

 iSCC Total electronic   Diff electronic      SCC error
    3   -0.41505940E+01   -0.60786931E-11    0.66000538E-11

Then the populaton analysis information follows:

 Total charge:    -0.00000000

 Atomic gross charges (e)
 Atom           Charge
    1      -0.59260702
    2       0.29630351
    3       0.29630351

Nr. of electrons (up):      8.00000000
Atom populations (up)
 Atom       Population
    1       6.59260702
    2       0.70369649
    3       0.70369649

l-shell populations (up)
 Atom Sh.   l       Population
    1   1   0       1.73421608
    1   2   1       4.85839094
    2   1   0       0.70369649
    3   1   0       0.70369649

Orbital populations (up)
 Atom Sh.   l   m       Population  Label
    1   1   0   0       1.73421608  s
    1   2   1  -1       1.68105131  p_y
    1   2   1   0       1.17733963  p_z
    1   2   1   1       2.00000000  p_x
    2   1   0   0       0.70369649  s
    3   1   0   0       0.70369649  s

It shows the total charge of the system and the charges for each atom, followed by detailed population analyis for each atom, shell and orbital.

Then you obtain a count of the total number electrons in the system, and the number of electrons on each atom, each atomic shell of the atoms (s, p, d, etc.) and each atomic orbital (labelled by their mz value) as calculated by Mulliken-analysis:

Nr. of electrons (up):      8.00000000
Atom populations (up)
 Atom       Population
    1       6.59260702
    2       0.70369649
    3       0.70369649

l-shell populations (up)
 Atom Sh.   l       Population
    1   1   0       1.73421608
    1   2   1       4.85839094
    2   1   0       0.70369649
    3   1   0       0.70369649

Orbital populations (up)
 Atom Sh.   l   m       Population  Label
    1   1   0   0       1.73421608  s
    1   2   1  -1       1.68105131  p_y
    1   2   1   0       1.17733963  p_z
    1   2   1   1       2.00000000  p_x
    2   1   0   0       0.70369649  s
    3   1   0   0       0.70369649  s

In our case, due to the electronegativity difference, the hydrogen atoms are positively charged (having only 0.704 electrons), while the oxygen atom is negatively charged (6.59 electrons, instead of the neutral state of 6 valence electrons).

The file then contains the Fermi energy, the different energy contributions to the total energy and the total energy in Hartrees and electron-volts. If you are calculating at a finite electronic temperature, you should consider using the Mermin free energy instead of the total energy:

Fermi level:                         0.0700493319 H            1.9061 eV
Band energy:                        -3.6725386873 H          -99.9349 eV
TS:                                  0.0000000000 H            0.0000 eV
Band free energy (E-TS):            -3.6725386873 H          -99.9349 eV
Extrapolated E(0K):                 -3.6725386873 H          -99.9349 eV
Input / Output electrons (q):      8.0000000000      8.0000000000

Energy H0:                          -4.1689552805 H         -113.4430 eV
Energy SCC:                          0.0183612644 H            0.4996 eV
Total Electronic energy:            -4.1505940161 H         -112.9434 eV
Repulsive energy:                    0.0726560835 H            1.9771 eV
Total energy:                       -4.0779379326 H         -110.9663 eV
Extrapolated to 0:                  -4.0779379326 H         -110.9663 eV
Total Mermin free energy:           -4.0779379326 H         -110.9663 eV
Force related energy:               -4.0779379326 H         -110.9663 eV

Between the two blocks of energy data, the input and output electron numbers at the last Hamiltonian diagonalisation are shown, so that you can check that no electrons get lost during the calculation.

This is then followed by a confirmation that the SCC convergence has been reached in the last geometry step:

SCC converged

You should always make sure that this is true, so that the properties of your system have been calculated by using convergent charges. Values obtained by using non convergent charges are usually meaningless.

Finally you get the forces on the atoms in your system. You get also the maximal force component occurring in your system. After this, the dipole moment of the system (in atomic units and Debye) is printed where possible. The end of the file will then show whether the geometry optimisation has reached convergence, i.e., all force components on the moved atoms are below the specified tolerance:

Full geometry written in geom.out.{xyz|gen}

Total Forces
    1     -0.000000000000     -0.000008377460     -0.000000000000
    2      0.000000000000      0.000004188730      0.000019992076
    3     -0.000000000000      0.000004188730     -0.000019992076

Maximal derivative component:        0.199921E-04 au

Dipole moment:    0.00000000    0.64283623    0.00000000 au
Dipole moment:    0.00000000    1.63392685    0.00000000 Debye

Geometry converged

As indicated above, in the current case, the final relaxed geometries can be found stored as xyz and gen format in the output files and geom.out.gen.


This file contains the energies of the individual electronic levels (orbitals) in electronvolts, followed by the occupation of the individual single particle levels for all of the possible spin channels. For spin unpolarised calculations (like this one) you will get only one set of values, since the levels are spin restricted and are twofold degenerate. In a collinear spin polarised calculation you would obtain separate values for the spin up and spin down levels:

KPT            1  SPIN            1  KWEIGHT    1.00000000000000
    1   -23.102  2.00000
    2   -11.275  2.00000
    3    -8.538  2.00000
    4    -7.053  2.00000
    5    10.865  0.00000
    6    15.197  0.00000

The eigenenergies are in units of electron volts. You can use the scripts dp_bands in the dptools package to convert the data in band.out to XNY-format, which can be visualised with common 2D plotting tools.

Despite its name, the file band.out is also created for non-periodic systems, containing the eigenenergies and occupation numbers for molecular systems (You should ignore the k-point index and the k-point weight in the first line in this case).


If you want to process the results of DFTB+ with another program, you should not extract the information from the standard output or the human readable output files (detailed.out, band.out, etc.), since their format could significantly change between subsequent releases of DFTB+. By setting the WriteResultsTag to Yes in the Options block

Options {
  WriteResultsTag = Yes

you obtain the file results.tag at the end of your calculation, which contains some of the most important data in a format easily parsed by a script or a program. This file contains entries like:

forces              :real:2:3,3
 -0.711965764038220E-026 -0.837746041076892E-005 -0.292432744686266E-012
  0.107287666233641E-015  0.418872998346476E-005  0.199920761760342E-004
 -0.107287666226522E-015  0.418873042729029E-005 -0.199920758836292E-004

In the first line the name of the quantity is given, followed by its type (real, integer, logical). Then the rank of the quantity is given (0: scalar, 1: vector, 2: rank 2 matrix, etc.), followed by the size of each dimension. Following this, the data for the given quantity is dumped as free format.

Other output files#

There are also other output files not discussed in detail here. They are only created, if appropriate choices in the Options or ExcitedState blocks are set. Please consult the manual for further details.