Visualization of natural orbitals with waveplot

Visualization of natural orbitals with waveplot#

[Input: recipes/linresp/natural-orbitals]

The majority of excited states are not well described by the transition of an electron from a single Kohn-Sham orbital to another single Kohn-Sham orbital. In other words, the excited state is in general a superposition of many determinants. In such a situation, the excited state weight in the file EXC.DAT will be smaller than one. Natural transition orbitals (NTO) allow for a compact representation of the excitation in such a scenario LSU76. They are obtained from a singular value decomposition of the transition density matrix and deliver hole and electron orbitals for a given excited state. We discuss their visualization in the context of the Benzene-Tetracyanoethylene dimer we looked at earlier. Strictly speaking, natural orbitals are not really required for this system, since for example the lowest excited state is well described by a HOMO to LUMO transition, without contributions from other single-particle transitions. We still discuss the NTO feature for this example, because it allows us to compare the results with the earlier calculations.

We first run DFTB+ with the following modified input:

ExcitedState {
  Casida {
    NrOfExcitations = 10
    StateOfInterest = 2	
    Symmetry = Singlet
    Diagonaliser = Stratmann {SubSpaceFactor = 30}
    WriteEigenvectors = Yes		 

Options {
  WriteDetailedXml = Yes

Analysis {
  CalculateForces = Yes    
  WriteEigenvectors = Yes

Here CalculateForces requests to compute excited forces for state StateOfInterest. During this calculation also the NTO for that state are created and written to a file (always called excitedOrbs.bin), if WriteEigenvectors in the Casida block is set to Yes. In the Options block, the keyword WriteDetailedXml is required for the plot. In the Analysis block, WriteEigenvectors advises the code to print out the ground state molecular orbitals also.

Let us look at an excerpt of the generated file detailed.xml:

   -1.00000341372109 -5.201183337079720E-002 -5.170515789354190E-002 .....
   5.170515780471528E-002 5.201183337096685E-002 1.00638172624593


We see the state occupations \(n_{i}\) of the NTO. Negative values indicate hole orbitals and positive values electron orbitals. Most excited states (unless you have degeneracy) have only one important (\(n_{i}\approx -1.0\)) hole and one important (\(n_{i}\approx 1.0\)) electron NTO, even though the CI expansion might include a large number of single-particle transitions.

As seen in the section here, we can now visualize these orbitals using the waveplot code. The input file waveplot_in.hsd has this form:

Options {
  RealComponent = Yes                # Plot real component of the wavefunction
  PlottedSpins = 1 -1
  PlottedLevels = 1 -1               # Levels to plot
  PlottedRegion =  OptimalCuboid {}  # Region to plot
  NrOfPoints = 50 50 50              # Number of grid points in each direction
  NrOfCachedGrids = -1               # Nr of cached grids (speeds up things)
  Verbose = Yes                      # Wanna see a lot of messages?

DetailedXml = "detailed.xml"         # File containing the detailed xml output
                                     # of DFTB+
EigenvecBin = "excitedOrbs.bin"      # File cointaining the binary eigenvecs

Basis {
  Resolution = 0.01
  <<+ "../../slakos/wfc/wfc.mio-1-1.hsd"

Important is here the line EigenvecBin which reads the created file with natural transition orbitals instead of the ground state MO. The keyword PlottedLevels in this example requests the first and last orbital to be plotted (note that the curly bracket contains the indices of the NO, not the occupation). These are exactly the natural transition orbitals with highest occupation. If you do the plot, you will realize that the hole orbital is essentially Kohn-Sham state 37 (the HOMO), while the electron orbital is Kohn-Sham state 38 (the LUMO).